A thorough investigation of the geological and geotechnical parameters is of primary importance for the geotechnical engineering design. By this procedure a realistic model will be developed, based on which estimations regarding the ground conditions and behavior of the rockmass or soil, support requirements, and groundwater control can be made.
TSS-UNDERGROUND adopts a standardized investigation approach, as well as reporting, documentation practices and procedures in order to guarantee the highest level of quality for your project.
TSS-UNDERGROUND offers the following services:
- Preliminary/Final Feasibility Studies of Geological/Geotechnical programs
- Geological/Geotechnical Mapping
- Geological/Geotechnical Profiles
- Discontinuity Mapping
- 3D Photogrammetric Techniques – Borehole Optical Televiewer
- Geophysical Investigation (Down hole geophysics, Seismic Reflection, Seismic Refraction, Resistivity, Ground Penetrating Radar, Seismic Tomography, Bathymetry, Magnetics)
- Exploration Drill-Hole Design
- Hydrological Investigation/Mapping
- Laboratory Tests in Rock and Soil
- Rock Mass Classification (RMR,GSI,Q, etc)
- Stress Measurements
- Geological/Geotechnical Investigation Reports