Geophysical exploration is a useful tool for measuring the variation of physical quantities among a rockmass. By analyzing these variations, decisions can be made regarding areas with high exploration potential and a target-oriented and cost-efficient drilling plan can be generated.
Geophysics is a science and for that TSS-UNDERGROUND employs scientists with extensive experience in the field and has formed partnerships with specialized geophysical contractors in order to provide a comprehensive range of geophysical services for the mining and the mining-related industries.
Based on physical rock properties analyses and relying on the geological mapping, we can design your geophysical program and determine the best methodology to adopt for your area of interest. The survey will be designed in a cost-effective approach, while aiming in obtaining high quality geophysical data.
We are highly capable of conducting both ground surface geophysical surveys and geophysical logging in boreholes for investigating the subsurface conditions of your area. We are experienced in numerous geophysical methods such as gravity, magnetics, EM, IP/Resistivity, CSAMT, GPR and borehole methods. Furthermore by utilizing a wide range of computer software tools and by combining the acquired geophysical data with the geological data, we can analyze geological processes, perform a structural lineament analysis and evaluate the deposit’s prospect.
TSS-UNDERGROUND offers the following services:
- Geophysical Survey Design & Quality Control
- Execution / Contract Management of Geophysical Surveys (Gravity, Magnetics, EM, IP/Resistivity, CSAMT, GPR and Borehole)
- Interpretation of Geophysical Data
- Integrated Interpretation & 3D Geological Modelling
- Structural Lineament Analysis
- Drillhole Targeting
- Reserve Detectability Analysis